Sleep Is Your Superpower

Just how much can sleep do for us, and why is it like our very own superpower?

Sleep is essential for our day to day life, and a lack of sleep can have detrimental effects on not only our mood or energy levels, but also our memory, heart and concentration levels, this quick article will provide you with some key information on just what sleep can do for our bodies, and why it’s like our very own superpower!

Can sleep improve memory?

Sleep and memory work hand in hand, scientific research shows that not getting as much sleep as the body needs can lower your ability to retain new information, and lower your learning abilities by up to 40%. 

A healthy night’s sleep consists of three cycles, NREM and REM sleep. REM sleep helps more with the memory side of the brain, and assists your brian in processing and retaining old memories.

Can sleep strengthen your heart?

Scientific studies have shown that adults who suffer with insomnia or other sleep problems have a higher risk of developing health conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes which can then have a detrimental effect on your heart. 

High blood pressure is one of the leading high risks for heart disease, so a good night’s sleep can help prevent this, in turn promoting a healthier heart. 

Scientists believe seven hours of sleep per night can be a healthy amount to reduce the risk of health problems, so a healthy night’s sleep can literally save our lives.

Can sleep improve concentration?

Having less than the recommended hours of sleep can have a knock on effect on how our brains process and store new information, our ability to concentrate can be heavily diminished which can make our daily lives a lot more difficult. 

Improving our sleep can significantly boost our cognitive performance, which boosts concentration and gives our brains a higher functionality, and reduces the chances of the dreaded brain fog.


To summarise, improving your sleep can have a positive effect on our information processing, concentration, brain power, and heart strength, I would certainly say this makes sleep our very own superpower!

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